Becoming an Influencer on Twitch & YouTube:

Step-by-Step Guide with Reach Marketing Reach Marketing

Gaming influencers share their creativity, expertise, and fun with people around the globe. They build platforms, develop reach, and establish trust within their community. Brands engage influencers, usually for payment, to support them in advertising campaigns, test products, provide feedback, or simply to garner attention.

In short: Gaming influencers live their passion!

We at Reach Marketing, experts in online presence, will explain to you on this page how you can become an influencer yourself and turn your passion into your profession.

Becoming an Influencer on Twitch & YouTube: Step-by-Step Guide with Reach Marketing Gaming influencers share their creativity, expertise, and fun with people around the globe. They build platforms, develop reach, and establish trust within their community. Brands engage influencers, usually for payment, to support them in advertising campaigns, test products, provide feedback, or simply to garner attention. In short: Gaming influencers live their passion! We at Reach Marketing, experts in online presence, will explain to you on this page how you can become an influencer yourself and turn your passion into your profession. A bit about us: Since 2018, we have been assisting small to large gaming influencers on Twitch & YouTube, always focusing on building and growing online platforms tailored to the individual strengths, weaknesses, and desires of each influencer. We have gathered invaluable amounts of experience and data that we would like to share with influencers and those aspiring to become one.

What do you need to become an influencer?

First and foremost: Luck and talent play only a marginal role when it comes to becoming a gaming influencer. Rather, patience, unwavering passion, and authenticity are crucial to your success. 

1. Unwavering Passion

A deep, unwavering passion for games and social interactions is essential as a gaming influencer. Your enthusiasm transfers to the games and your viewers, giving you the opportunity to entertain other people. Additionally, you invest a lot of time, with 40 to 80 hours per week not being uncommon, over a long period before you can make significant profits. Let's not kid ourselves, becoming an influencer is not easy, but fundamentally possible for everyone.

2. Social Skills & Courage

The more pronounced your social skills, the easier it will be for you to sit in front of the camera for hours and entertain hundreds to thousands of people. No one is born with this ability, it's perfectly okay to be nervous, but the courage to step out of your comfort zone is absolutely necessary. You will be faced with new challenges and situations daily, which need to be addressed in a professional yet entertaining and authentic manner.

3. Time & Patience

As a gaming influencer, you set your own working hours. This gives you enormous flexibility in everyday life, which is becoming increasingly important in our generation. However, you must invest a tremendous amount of time, especially if you are still in the earlly phases. 4-12 hours of live streaming, 3-6 times a week. At least one YouTube video per week, depending on the content, easily another 3-20 hours. Moderation, Discord, community questions, cooperation requests - everything adds up, not to mention the time spent on strategic planning. There will be weeks where you'll work 80 hours.

Moreover, building a platform unfortunately doesn't happen overnight. Even with our experience and knowledge, half a year is a very optimistic estimate to turn your passion into a profession. You should be prepared to invest at least a year in building your platform, if you have absolutely no prior knowledge and no support, rather two years.

You are practically learning a new profession. A profession for which there are no colleges or training programs yet.

4. Willingness to Learn & Take Risks

You should be willing to constantly evolve, learn new things, and have the courage to do something that no one has done before you. The gaming world is evolving at a rapid pace; to keep up, you must always be up to date in your respective niche, set trends, and adapt. Just as you follow and analyze the patch notes for the new update, you should also be aware of changes on YouTube or Twitch.

5. Authenticity

Last but not least, you should just be yourself. Pretending for the camera is not only exhausting in the long run, but your viewers will also notice, and you will lose all the trust you have built up over time. Viewers always reflect the influencer in their personality. If you don't want a toxic and dishonest chat, you must embody these qualities in your personality and behavior. Only then can other content creators and brands trust you and enter into partnerships with you.

Why Twitch & YouTube?


TwitchWhere Live Comes Alive

Immerse yourself in the live streaming experience on Twitch. Whether you're a passionate gamer, creative artist/musician, or a fountain of knowledge on your subject, Twitch offers a real-time platform to interact with your audience worldwide.

From interactive chats to live reactions – Twitch is the heartbeat of the gaming community.

Live interaction promotes the building of an engaged community. Viewers are more connected to the streamer as they participate directly in the action and experience him or her in their raw form. This builds a deep trust between viewers and the streamer, forming the basis and entitlement to be called an influencer. 

Additionally, you can record content on Twitch and upload it edited to other platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. This provides synergy effects with all the online platforms you use, saves you time, and allows you to monetize your content across multiple channels.

YouTube Unleash Your Creativity

YouTube is more than a platform; it's a global stage where creativity knows no bounds. Share your expertise, entertain, or educate through high-quality videos that resonate with viewers worldwide.

With YouTube, your content becomes a lasting legacy that viewers can experience at their own pace.

YouTube as a platform offers the unique advantage of being discovered, provided you know how to handle YouTube and your content.

There are dozens of tips and tricks to use the algorithm to your advantage and generate reach and views more easily. For example, you should refrain from inserting an intro into your videos within the first 30-60 seconds, as YouTube analyzes your content and what you say and accordingly suggests you in other videos of the same kind.

With YouTube, you can also attract attention with a small reach.

How can YOU become an influencer?

Easy: Simply follow the next 87 steps and tomorrow you can call yourself an influencer… Just kidding. Building a platform is a long-term project that requires patience, planning, and strategy. We have listed the most important points in chronological order.


Before you produce content:


1. Buy the necessary equipment

To become a gaming influencer, you first need the right equipment. The most important thing is a high-quality microphone and a PC on which the game you want to produce content for runs smoothly in good quality. You also need a camera. There are content creators who stream without a camera, but we advise against it. The personal connection and trust of your viewers grow significantly faster when you show yourself in front of the camera. You are more authentic and provide new content through your reactions. Moreover, one of the basic requirements for advertising campaigns is your reaction and interaction with products on camera. Even if it's uncomfortable, get used to it right from the start.


2. Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

To take the next steps, it is imperative that you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Are you well above average in one or more games? Are you an emotional person? Are you funny? Can you explain well? Do you have other hobbies or strengths that you want to incorporate into your content? It is important here that you are honest with yourself and assess yourself realistically.

3. Choose Game Genre and Game

Your next step should be choosing the game or expanding your game genre. Don't fool yourself, viewers don't come because of you initially, but because of the content you offer. Only when the viewer is there do you play a significant role. Therefore, it is all the more important that you choose a game that:

a) synergizes with your strengths
b) doesn't have too much competition or is too old – for example, LoL & CS are not good games to build your influencer career unless you are an exceptional talent or already have reach in those communities
c) is in a genre where new games are actively released (stay informed about current trends)

Of course, it's also possible to build a platform around games that don't fall into these categories, but you will notice significant disadvantages on one side or the other.



4. Design & Branding of Platforms

This includes your YouTube channel, Twitch channel, Discord server, and social media of your choice like Twitter/Insta/TikTok. You should think about your branding. You don't need a highly professional logo or other gimmicks, but as a viewer, one should be able to distinguish you and your content from others. With Midjourney and chatgpt, it's very easy to create your own logo, banner, and other graphics for free. At least you can get inspiration and a basis to work on.

5. Set Time & Content Plan (Twitch & YT)

How often do you want to upload content on YouTube? In general, you should upload a video on YouTube at least once a week, but it may make sense to produce much more content in a short time for some games if interest in that game is expected to decline soon. A good example of this are games that operate on a seasonal system. Interest in these games peaks at the beginning of the season, as that's when most people play, and gradually declines over the course of the season.
You schedule your streaming times around your YouTube content plan. Ideally, you should stream at the same time on the same days so that you give your viewers the opportunity to come back to you



Once you've started producing content



 6. Produce Content

Now it's time to produce content. Consistency is key! Don't worry too much about quality at the beginning, that comes with time. It's important that you and your community get used to your content plan.


7. Monetization

All monetization options outside of Twitch & YouTube, such as partnerships with companies, are generally only really interesting once you have roughly 250+ average viewers on Twitch and 20,000 views per video on YouTube. Everything before that is typically affiliate programs, which you can certainly try, but usually generate little income. It depends on you. If you already have a sales background, then affiliate programs could be lucrative. The point is, don't worry too much about it. It's better to occasionally get partnerships for games and products through an agency. They pay better and you don't have to have training as a car dealer. Nothing against car dealers, I myself did an apprenticeship at BMW ^^


8. Networking

Speaking of agencies. Advertising agencies are the best way to quickly and easily get the right contacts to other influencers and companies. As soon as you can show significant content, you should make an effort to contact one or more agencies. This is usually quite easy because agencies are looking for influencers they can pitch to companies. In our case, you can simply send us a short message via our contact form or you can add us directly on Discord "reachmarketing".
Events like Gamescom or TwitchCon are incredibly good opportunities to make further contacts and should not be neglected.



After you've produced content



9. Evaluate and Analyze Results and Content

Often a neglected point, but evaluating your content is one of the most important parts of your work. YouTube and Twitch provide user statistics and data on the behavior of your viewers. What is well received? What gets a reaction? What questions remain unanswered? If you evaluate this data and respond to it, you can develop yourself in a targeted way, understand why something works, and repeat it in the future.


10. Further Education

You should not neglect further education within your game as well as on Twitch and YouTube. Be aware of changes and adjust accordingly. Also, when it comes to other platforms, you should always keep an open ear at least. The gaming world is developing at an incredible pace and there is practically something new to learn every day. There are dozens of news outlets or influencers that can serve as a source of knowledge for you, use them so you don't fall behind.


11. Adjustments and Repetition

The last step is to adjust and constantly repeat all the previous steps. Keep asking yourself if there are ways to further develop yourself and your content. In the gaming world, standing still means moving backward. Live by that motto and we guarantee you will become an influencer!



Worldwide, 153 million people use Twitch & YouTube daily - someone out there will already like what you do as long as you stay authentic.

We support you as a marketing & management agency for influencers in developing your journey from A to Z. No question remains unanswered and no problem unresolved. This way, you can pursue your passion undisturbed and over time, become an influencer!

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How we help you become an INFLUENCER:

1. Personal Consultation:

Our expert team analyzes your strengths and weaknesses, conceptualizes individually tailored strategies, and supports you with any questions and situations. Whether you are new to content creation or want to improve your existing presence, we adapt our support to your individual goals & wishes.

Wir vermitteln den idealen Partner!
Wir werten aus und analysieren!

2. Strategic Growth Planning:

Based on our analyses, we draw up a roadmap to your success. We develop growth and content strategies to maximize your reach and engagement on Twitch and YouTube and to stabilize you in the long term.

3. Collaboration Opportunities:

We leverage our extensive network of contacts with brands and content creators to provide you with potential collaboration opportunities that amplify your influence and expand your reach. We are always looking for new partners to meet your individual wishes and your continuously evolving brand.

Wir coachen dich!
Wir monetarisieren deine Plattform!

4. Monetization Strategies:

Learn the basics of monetization on both Twitch and YouTube. From advertising revenue to merchandise to sponsorships, we support you in monetizing your platform to turn your passion into a sustainable income.

Ready to start your influencer journey?

Becoming an influencer on Twitch and YouTube is an exciting adventure, and we are here to be your own guide.

Join us and let's transform your passion into a powerful online presence. Discover a world of endless possibilities where every stream and every video offers the chance to make an impression.

 Contact us today and let's embark on your journey together!

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